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Recurring Contributions - Monthly and Annual donation options are available for all contribution types. These options process the first payment immediately and automatically process subsequent payments on the 15th of the month, one month or one year following the previous payment.

If you wish to discontinue your recurring contributions, please contact the PSW office at 608-827-9200.

Gifts to this fund help support professional development opportunities for student pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. PSW members and conference attendees are encouraged to support PSW's ability to provide student pharmacists and pharmacy technicians deeply discounted registration rates and programming unique to their professional interests.
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The Friends of Pharmacy Fund (FPF) is a political conduit that will help us better support pro-pharmacy political candidates. To truly be successful and to have the impact that pharmacy needs, membership support of the FPF is absolutely critical.
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PSW’s Legislative Defense Fund (LDF) supports our advocacy work, including research, lobbyists, attorneys, and communications. By investing in the LDF, you are supporting our efforts to advocate for pro-pharmacy legislation and practice advancement.
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Working in coordination with the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin, the Foundation promotes innovation to accelerate the development of leaders and the workforce that advance pharmacy. Every gift to the Wisconsin Pharmacy Foundation makes a difference. Your support ensures the Foundation can fulfill its mission and continue to educate and develop future pharmacy leaders in Wisconsin.
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Chris Decker built a legacy of #differencemakers in pharmacy practice. The collaboration that Chris built between Wisconsin and Iowa, where Chris began his pharmacy career, continues with this student pharmacist scholarship program. In tribute to his legacy, the Wisconsin Pharmacy Foundation, in partnership with the Iowa Pharmacy Foundation intends to provide the Christopher Decker Pharmacy Scholarship to selected student pharmacists from Wisconsin and Iowa schools of pharmacy. Be a #differencemaker with your contribution.
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