Toolkits & Manuals
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PSW Toolkits & Manuals

The Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin has developed these resources for your practice.

Clinical Pocketbook Toolkits

PSW has created 14 pocketbook toolkits for use by a pharmacist when reviewing medication profiles and completing comprehensive medication reviews and assessments (CMR/As). These toolkits are a useful resource when managing these certain disease states in patients.

Guide to Providing Telehealth CMRs

This guide includes steps to providing Telehealth Comprehensive Medication Reviews (CMRs) as well as helpful tips, FAQs and more. Everything you need to know about conducting a Telehealth visit in one place!

Healthy Recommendations for Adults Toolkit

The tools and information in this pocket guide are provided to assist pharmacists in addressing general lifestyle recommendations for adult patients with cardiovascular disease.

Pharmacogenetics Toolkit

The tools and information in this guide are provided as a basic introduction and reference to clinical pharmacogenetics.

Remote Pharmacy Systems

Ensure your remote dispensing practices are aligned with the updated rules. Check out the PSW resource today and stay compliant!

Technician Product Verification

Technician Product Verification (TPV) focuses on improving patient care by expanding technical roles of pharmacy technicians. When technicians take on advanced roles, pharmacists are able to dedicate more time to activities requiring clinical judgment to optimize patient care.

Wisconsin Pharmacy Law Review

The Wisconsin Pharmacy Law Review is a review of state laws and regulations relating to pharmacy practice in Wisconsin designed to supplement studying Wisconsin Statutes and Administrative Code.

Collaborative Practice Toolkit

Collaborative Practice Agreements (CPAs) create formal relationships between pharmacists and providers. CPAs can benefit collaborative care delivery by identifying what functions are delegated to the pharmacist by the collaborating prescriber under conditions outlined in the agreement.

Health Literacy Toolkit

The tools and information in this pocket guide are provided to assist pharmacists in serving the needs of patients who have low health literacy.

Opioid Abatement Toolkit

This toolkit was developed to help pharmacy personnel begin collaborative discussions with county boards about potential projects and funding to address community needs concerning the abatement and mitigation of opioid misuse and abuse.

PrEP Toolkit

This toolkit will assist pharmacists by equipping them with the knowledge and tools to feel comfortable having a PrEP conversation with their patients.

Self Measurement of Blood Pressure Guide

The tools and information in the SMBP guide are provided to assist pharmacies in serving the needs of patients with hypertension in need of automated blood pressure monitors.

Transitions of Care Toolkit

This toolkit was developed to provide resources to enable institutions to improve transitions of care in the following five domains: medication reconciliation, discharge medication management, discharge patient education, hand off, and follow-up.