Exhibitors & Sponsors
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Exhibitors & Sponsors

The Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin provides a multitude of exhibit and sponsorship opportunities to our industry partners every year. PSW offers: exhibit booths at our two major conferences, two reverse exhibit events, exhibit theaters, Lunch & Learns, digital adverting, and a host of different sponsorship packages. If you do not see an opportunity listed, please reach out to PSW to create a custom sponsorship package.

The Journal

The Journal is an exclusive benefit of the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin and is mailed to over 4,500 members. PSW members practice in independent community pharmacies, chain pharmacies, long term care pharmacies, hospitals, clinics home infusion pharmacies and managed care companies.

 Our subscribers include pharmacists, vendors, students, as well as persons and institutions with a special interest in pharmacy.

The Journal is published bi-monthy, six times a year by the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin.
 See the Exhibitor Prospectus for more details.

Electronic Advertising

Electronic advertising with PSW includes website advertising, website sponsorship, and e-newsletter advertising. Website Advertising - The PSW website is one of the most visited state pharmacy sites on the web, receiving nearly 300,000 page views a month and over 130,000 individual visitors last year. Online ads provide advertisers with a simple and cost-effective way to increase brand awareness and visibility while driving traffic to your website and/or exhibit booth. Contact Case Aldridge, Director of Business Development with The Association Partner  at  for more details.

  • Digital Retargeting  Prominently display your messaging on  thousands of websites with precise, quantifiable, and sophisticated advertising opportunities to reach PSW members, event attendees, and many more key decision-makers in Wisconsin's pharmaceutical industry.
  • Website Sponsorship - Want to really stand out from your competition? Become an exclusive sponsor of www.pswi.org. Website sponsorship assists PSW in the continued development and ongoing maintenance of the site for a full calendar year and provides the sponsoring company with visible recognition as the site's sole sponsor. The sponsor receives one year of recognition, which includes the sponsor logo and direct link to the sponsor's website, on every page of the PSW site.
  • E-Newsletter Advertising - PSW distributes e-newsletters that can be selected for advertising. Fast Facts, the most frequent newsletter distributed, is published every Friday morning and captures the week's pharmacy related news. Fast Facts is emailed to over 4,500 pharmacy professionals in Wisconsin and is a perfect venue for time-sensitive advertisements like job openings.

For full details, please see the Exhibitor Prospectus.

Conference & Event Advertising

  • Exhibit - Exhibit at one of our events that have an exhibit session for pharmacy professional to attend. This includes the Educational Conference and Annual Meeting.
  • Reverse Exhibits - The Reverse Exhibit is exactly what the name suggests: a reversal of the traditional tradeshow format. Health-system pharmacy decision makers will each host a table while vendors walk the floor.
  • Exhibit Theater - The exhibit theater is a pharmaceutical-industry sponsored program held during the Educational Conference or the Annual Meeting. The sponsor is solely responsible for the content of the program. Continuing education may not be  associated with the program. PSW will provide marketing information to potential registrants about its schedule and venue location.
  • App Advertising - All conferences have an event app associated with them where attendees view the schedule, speakers, activities, exhibits, etc. This is a great avenue to get your information in front of attendees. 
  • Sponsorship - Exhibitors are invited to sponsor a program, speaker or event at our conferences and events throughout the year.

For more information about Conference and Event sponsoring, please contact Megan Grant.


Virtual Lunch & Learn

These webinars provides an opportunity for industry partners to provide a one-hour learning session on the topic of their choice to PSW members. These webinars will be promoted and advertised in PSW communications and social media. Lunch & Learn opportunities are subject to scheduling availability.


Career Center

PSW's online Job Network is your gateway to find great pharmacy professionals. Browse our resumes and only pay for the ones that interest you! Or reach the most qualified candidates by posting your job openings and managing your online recruiting efforts. For details and pricing, please see Products and Pricing.


PSW Partner Opportunities

The Platinum Partner is exclusive to one company or individual for one year while the Gold Partner opportunity can be purchased by multiple companies. The Platinum Partner opportunity is giving on a first come, first serve basis. If the Platinum opportunity has already been purchased for the year, your company can be put on a waiting list for the following year(s). For a list of level benefits and pricing see the Exhibitor Prospectusor contact Megan Grant

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