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Planned Giving

Gift planning integrates philanthropy into a donor’s overall financial, tax and estate planning to maximize benefits to the Wisconsin Pharmacy Foundation and to the donor. These are deferred gifts that are made in the present and received by the Foundation in the future, benefiting PSW and Wisconsin Pharmacy in the years to come. Some are straightforward, such as a bequest in a will. Others are more complex, providing current tax benefits as well as life income for the donor, a beneficiary or both.


How to Give

There are many charitable planned giving options available to you. For example, you can make a planned gift to Wisconsin Pharmacy Foundation as a beneficiary of your last will and testament, life insurance policy, or retirement plan.

You can also name Wisconsin Pharmacy Foundation as a beneficiary of a charitable trust. Your attorney or financial advisor can advise you of the various types of charitable trusts and assist you in establishing a trust that is tailored to your personal needs. Some of these giving strategies may have a greater tax benefit to you than others, so please consult with your attorney or financial advisor on which strategy would work best for you.

Here is some info that might be helpful as you plan your estate:
Legal Name: Wisconsin Pharmacy Foundation
Mailing Address: 701 Heartland Trail, Madison, WI 53717 
Phone: 608.827.9200
Please find examples of specific language that you may use to name the Wisconsin Pharmacy Foundation as a beneficiary of your will, trust, life insurance policy, retirement assets, or other contractual gift on the other tabs. If you, your attorney, or financial advisor has any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by calling 608.827.9200 or emailing info@pswi.org.

Gifts Under a Will

The following language is an example of wording that may be used to name Wisconsin Pharmacy Foundation as a beneficiary of your last will and testament. You may either make a general or restricted gift. In addition, such gift may be of a specific dollar amount or it may also be of a percentage of your estate.

General Testamentary Gift: Specific Monetary Amount
I hereby give and bequeath _______________________ Dollars ($__________________) to the Wisconsin Pharmacy Foundation, to be used for general purposes. In the event Wisconsin Pharmacy Foundation is not in existence at the time of my death, then I hereby give and bequeath _______________________ Dollars ($__________________) to the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin.

General Testamentary Gift: Percentage of Residue of Estate
I hereby give and bequeath ________ percent (_____%) of the rest and residue of my estate to the Wisconsin Pharmacy Foundation, to be used for general purposes. In the event that the Wisconsin Pharmacy Foundation is not in existence at the time of my death, then I hereby give and bequeath ________ percent (_____%) of the rest and residue of my estate to the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin, to be used for general purposes. 

Restricted Testamentary Gift: Specific Monetary Amount
I hereby give and bequeath _______________________ Dollars ($__________________) to the Wisconsin Pharmacy Foundation, to be used for [insert donor restriction]. In the event that the Wisconsin Pharmacy Foundation is not in existence at the time of my death, then I hereby give and bequeath _______________________ Dollars ($__________________) to the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin, to be used for [insert donor restriction].

If you wish to make a restricted gift to the Wisconsin Pharmacy Foundation, please contact us prior to finalizing your gift.

Restricted Testamentary Gift: Percentage of Residue of Estate
I hereby give and bequeath ________ percent (_____%) of the rest and residue of my estate to the Wisconsin Pharmacy Foundation, to be used for [insert donor restriction]. In the event that the Wisconsin Pharmacy Foundation is not in existence at the time of my death, then I hereby give and bequeath ________ percent (_____%) of the rest and residue of my estate to the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin, to be used for [insert donor restriction].

If you wish to make a restricted gift to the Wisconsin Pharmacy Foundation, please contact us prior to finalizing your gift.

Gifts from a Trust

The following language is an example of wording that may be used in the event the Wisconsin Pharmacy Foundation is named as a contingent beneficiary of a trust estate. Please keep in mind that such gifts may also be restricted and may be of either a specific dollar amount or a percentage of the trust estate.

[Insert contingency], the Trustee shall distribute ________________ Dollars ($__________________) to the Wisconsin Pharmacy Foundation of Madison, Wisconsin, free and clear of trust, to be used for general purposes. In the event the Wisconsin Pharmacy Foundation is not in existence at the time of this distribution, the Trustee shall distribute _______________________ Dollars ($__________________) to the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin free and clear of trust, to be used for general purposes.

Contractual Gifts

The Wisconsin Pharmacy Foundation may be named as the beneficiary of an asset that passes outside the terms of a will or a trust (e.g. life insurance, IRA, 401(k)). In order to clarify the intention of the donor, the contractual instrument governing the asset should set forth the following as the official recipient of the gift:

The Wisconsin Pharmacy Foundation, of Madison, Wisconsin. In the event the Wisconsin Pharmacy Foundation is not in existence, then to the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin.