Enhancing Opioid Stewardship in Rural Wisconsin Health Systems: A Toolkit for Pharmacists
In response to the opioid crisis, Wisconsin health systems serving
rural communities are developing opioid stewardship programs to
facilitate appropriate opioid prescribing, opioid disposal, diversion
prevention, management of the effects of the use of opioids, treatment
of opioid use disorder and reducing opioid overdoses.
Health system pharmacists often lead these efforts and have many
vital roles to play in opioid stewardship. This toolkit presents
examples of opioid stewardship initiatives that Wisconsin pharmacists
have implemented along with supporting evidence, curated information
about resources and tools.
The toolkit was co-developed by the University of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy Sonderegger Research Center and pharmacist colleagues from Fort HealthCare in collaboration with pharmacists from several health systems across the state, PearlRx and the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin.
here to view the toolkit. See below for the
Opioid Stewardship Podcast Series.