Opioid Abatement Toolkit
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Opioid Abatement Toolkit

Litigation against manufacturers, distributors and retailers alleged to have contributed to the ongoing opioid epidemic resulted in settlement funding for the abatement and mitigation of opioid misuse and abuse. The intent of these funds is for the prevention, treatment, and support of recovery from opioid use disorder (OUD). These funds will become available to county governments in various amounts in the coming years.

County governments that receive funds will be focused on “core” abatement strategies that are intended to integrate well with pharmacy services within their communities. PSW collaborated with various PSW member-experts and interdisciplinary healthcare partners to develop summaries on a variety of topics related to opioid use, mitigation of opioid misuse and abuse, stigma, substance use disorder, and medication assisted treatment. Pharmacy personnel (pharmacists and technicians) can use this toolkit to begin the discussions with their respective county board of supervisors on potential projects and funding opportunities that address the needs of their shared communities concerning the abatement and mitigation of opioid misuse and abuse.

Creation of this toolkit was supported by funding from the Cardinal Health Foundation.


On Demand CE Available!

Pharmacy-Powered Solutions for Optimizing Opioid Settlement Funds. Listen to the toolkit authors and reviewers to gain knowledge about the core strategies for combating the opioid crisis as outlined in recent settlements and tools to implement them effectively in your day-to-day practice. The flexible one-hour session will provide the tools for your practice to address patient-specific factors and offer equitable opioid risk mitigation and pain management. Discover how to address community needs in the ongoing opioid epidemic directly. Click here to register.