PSW Awards
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PSW Awards

Every year, the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin recognizes outstanding members of the Wisconsin pharmacy and healthcare community. PSW members may nominate a colleague for the awards below. 

Bowl of Hygeia

The Bowl of Hygia is part of a national awards program sponsored by APhA and NASPA and is granted to recognize and honor a Wisconsin pharmacist who has demonstrated sustained commitment to community service.

Curtis A. Johnson Award

The Curtis A. Johnson Award recognizes an outstanding contributor to The Journal of the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin during a calendar year.


Distinguished Service

The Distinguished Service Award is granted to recognize and honor a qualified Wisconsin pharmacist who has made outstanding sustained contributions to the profession of pharmacy and the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin.

Excellence in Innovation

The Excellence in Innovation Award is granted to recognize and honor a qualified Wisconsin pharmacist or pharmacy technician who has demonstrated significant innovation in their respective practice.

Pharmacist of the Year

The PSW Pharmacist of the Year is an individual who has made significant, influential and sustained contributions to pharmacy practice in Wisconsin and who is responsible for having a positive impact on patient care.

Technician of the Year

The Technician of the Year Award is granted to recognize and honor a Wisconsin pharmacy technician who has made significant contributions to pharmacy technician practice, professional organizations and the community.

Young Pharmacist of the Year

The Young Pharmacist of the Year Award is part of a national awards program sponsored by Pharmacists Mutual Companies and is granted to recognize and honor a Wisconsin pharmacist in his or her first ten years of practice who has made significant contributions to professional pharmacy organizations and has demonstrated dedication to the contemporary practice of pharmacy.

Interdisciplinary Care Partner Award

The PSW Interdisciplinary Care Partner is an individual, group of individuals, or organization who has recognized the value of pharmacy professionals in having a positive impact on patient care. The Partner has positively interacted with pharmacy professionals and has regularly promoted their presence and active participation in the delivery of patient care through their involvement with interdisciplinary care teams and/or their role as the best provider of a given task/service

Pharmacy Stars Shining Star Compounding Pharmacy Technician Award

The award is granted to recognize and honor a qualified Wisconsin pharmacy technician who has made exemplary contributions to compounding pharmacy practice, contributes to the advancement of compounding pharmacy, and has made outstanding sustained contributions to the profession of pharmacy, medication and patient safety and the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin.

Distinguished Technician Award

On occasion, this award is granted to recognize and honor a Technician Section member who has made significant contributions to the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin Technician Section and PSW as a whole.