The Technician Section’s Distinguished Award may be awarded by the PSW Technician Section Board as determined by the Board.
Any pharmacy technician practicing and residing in Wisconsin who is not a member of the PSW Technician Section Board, an elected officer or a paid employee of PSW and whose current membership in PSW is in good standing. The nominee must not be a past recipient of this award.
Recipients of this award shall receive an engraved plaque and recognition at the PSW Technician Educational Forum Luncheon.
The selection of the PSW Technician Section’s Distinguished Award is conducted at the discretion of the PSW Technician Section Board. In the past, recipients of this award are selected from highly qualified nominees for the PSW Pharmacy Technician of the Year Award. Therefore, all award nominations for pharmacy technicians should be conducted through the PSW Pharmacy Technician of the Year Award nomination process.