Technician Product Verification
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Technician Product Verification

Technician Product Verification (TPV) is an opportunity to improve patient care and expand the role of pharmacy technician professionals. Pharmacy technicians who choose to take on advanced roles allow pharmacists to apply more time to activities involving pharmacist-specific clinical judgment and optimization of patient care.

TPV empowers pharmacy technicians to expand their professional technical oversight and unique knowledge of medication products. TPV is also called Tech-Check-Tech, Final Product Verification, or Delegate-Check-Delegate. TPV Certified Technicians are specially trained and validated professional staff who can be delegated the task of medication product verification. TPV Certified Technicians can assist in decreasing interruptions to the filling workflow and are poised to advance the role of pharmacy technicians. Additionally, TPV Certified Technicians can reduce the need for pharmacists to perform product verification, improve efficiencies in the preparation and delivery of medications, and allow for the redeployment of pharmacists to provide clinical services and participate in direct patient care activities.


Technician Product Verification Toolkit

This toolkit, developed by the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin (PSW), will assist pharmacies in implementing TPV under the Wisconsin Administrative Code Chapter Phar 7.14 requirements. The toolkit is designed to provide an overview of the steps to implementing TPV and provide access to valuable tools to help make implementation easier.

Additional information on Technician Product Verification (TPV) can be found in Phar 7.14.


TPV Toolkit

PSW Member Fee $500.00
Nonmember Fee $500.00

TPV Certified Technician Training

The Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin has developed five didactic learning modules to engage technicians as they learn about preventing, identifying, and classifying medication errors, review common medications used in today's pharmacy practice, review common and basic pharmacy calculations, recall and discuss the most common routes of administration for medications, and summarize common dosage forms. The course wraps up with a review of the basic steps of product verification. Continuing Education credit is available to pharmacy technicians who successfully complete each module.

  • Wisconsin Technician Product Verification: Completion of the Technician Product Verification Didactic Training satisfies the didactic training requirement for pharmacy technicians interested in completing product verification at their pharmacy workplace, as outlined by the Wisconsin Pharmacy Examining Board in Phar 7.14.
  • PTCB Technician Product Verification Exam: Additionally, completion of all modules also meets the training requirement to sit for the PTCB Advanced Pharmacy Technician (CPhT-Adv) Technician Product Verification exam. Technicians from any state can register for and complete this training to sit for this exam.
Technicians do not need CPhT certification to complete the course and become a TPV Certified Technician. Pharmacy technician professionals who do NOT have an NABP number should choose the "Technician-Not Certified" category. This will allow the pharmacy technician learners who successfully complete all modules to receive a certificate of completion.