Wisconsin Provider Status
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Ready to enroll with ForwardHealth as a provider? Click here!

Provider Status ensures that pharmacists, with their extensive medication expertise, are recognized as part of the integrated healthcare team. Provider Status will increase access to pharmacist-provided services by ensuring that pharmacists are equitably paid for the patient care services they provide.

Do you have questions regarding provider status? Wondering if the services your practice provides will be covered? Curious about what documentation and compliance requirements look like? Please email info@pswi.org.

Pharmacist Provider Status Implementation Guide

This guide has been created to help pharmacist providers and practices modify policies and processes to bill ForwardHealth (Wisconsin Medicaid) for medical services as allowed by 2021 Wisconsin Act 98 (s. 49.46 (2) (bh), Stats), DHS 105, DHS 107, and ForwardHealth policy. This guide is intended to be used by pharmacy professionals across various practice sites (e.g., ambulatory care, community pharmacy). The process for providing services and submitting claims to ForwardHealth may differ by practice site. Click here to learn more.



Wisconsin Pharmacist Provider Status Certificate Program

Make sure you and your practice are ready to serve the patients of your community by completing PSW’s comprehensive certificate training program.

Provider Status Continuing Education

These CE courses are designed to provide important information surrounding provider status implementation, billing, best practices, and more.

Pharmacy Practice Guidebook: Medical Billing, Coding, and Documentation for Pharmacy Professionals

Many states require health plans to include pharmacists in their medical provider networks. Additionally, many state Medicaid programs permit pharmacists to bill for services within their scope. This guidebook is intended for licensed pharmacy professionals to bill appropriately for services they provide patients. It serves as a reference book for pharmacy professionals interested in learning how to document, code, bill, and be reimbursed for patient care services.

PSW members will receive a 25% discount on this guide. In order to see the discount code, login to your PSW account.

Provider Status Resources

2023 FastFacts Series

Each week for the 8 weeks, FastFacts will include steps that pharmacists in ambulatory care and community practice settings can take to prepare for Medicaid’s recognition of pharmacists as providers. Click here for the full series