To serve as a platform to advise and inform the PSW Board of Directors on issues and activities as it relates to Wisconsin student pharmacy practice, education, chapter activities, PSW involvement and legislative advocacy. As PSW serves as one voice and one vision for Wisconsin pharmacy practice, the PSW Student Advisory Committee will consolidate and focus the voice of student pharmacists in PSW activities in an effort to create one voice and one vision for the pharmacy students of Wisconsin-based schools of pharmacy.
The Committee is comprised of two PSW Advisory Leads, 1-2 faculty liaisons, and 1-2 student representatives from all schools of pharmacy located in Wisconsin. Student members will be appointed at the discretion of their respective school’s voting procedures, and may serve up to 2-year terms. Faculty liaisons will have indefinite terms. The advisory leads will serve as PSW Board of Directors Liaisons and will be comprised of the PSW President-elect and a PSW staff liaison.
Committee meetings will be held virtually once in the fall and once in the spring.
Additional Information
Please contact the Committee Leads or Faculty Liaisons for any additional information or inquires related to SPAC.